Thursday, June 2, 2022

Optimization Methods (OM)

This course provides explanations to methods for solving optimization problems. Explanations and variations of optimization problems are deepened as a provision for analyzing problems and pouring them into mathematical formulations. Both linear and non-linear optimization methods such as the Steepest-Descent method, Lagrange multiplier, least-squares, GA, PSO, and SDO are presented to enrich students' insight. Furthermore, problems are given as practice material in constructing and making simulations to solve problems mathematically. Some examples of relevant applications in defense are also given to understand the application of the concepts learned so as to foster creativity and reasoning in students for solving problems.

You can download this lecture file here. For more information, don't hesitate to contact my email.

  • P. R. Adby and M. A. H. Dempster. 1974. Introduction to Optimization Methods. London Chapman and Hall.
  • Urmila Diwekar. 2000. Introduction to Applied Optimization. Springer.
  • E. M. T. Hendrix and B. G. Toth. 2010. Introduction to Nonlinear and Global Optimization. Springer.